You don’t need brand new gear to get outdoors and enjoy a camping adventure. Especially because much of this gear just literally ends up on the ground collecting sand, dirt and whatever is floating in the air. So why not try to recycle some used camping gear and save a few bucks? Here are some of the best websites to buy used camping gear.
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REI Used Gear:

REI Used Gear is a great website to buy used camping gear. They break down the quality of the used gear into excellent condition, lightly worn, moderately worn, and well worn. Additionally they will include the price of what the product costs. Therefore, you know whether or not you are getting a great deal.
Most of the products on the page tend to be more on the excellent condition side, which is great, but also means you might not get as killer of a deal as you might expect. But ultimately, REI Used Gear has a great selection of used items that can absolutely get you outdoors exploring the beautiful wonders at a fraction of the price.
One of the things I don’t love about the website is that they show a picture of the new product. Therefore, you can’t totally see the wear and tear that maybe a well worn product might have.

Ebay has been around for many years and can be a solid place to buy some used camping gear. How Ebay works, is you search for the products you are interested in, and the seller either has an auction or buy it now option for the product.
If it is an auction, you basically put the lowest price you are willing to pay and then other people interested can bid a dollar amount above that. Sometimes there are no other bidders and you can walk away with an awesome deal on select items. Then, the seller sends to item to you and you are ready to have a great camping adventure!
Facebook Marketplace:

Facebook Marketplace has become one of my favorite ways to buy used camping gear. It does help if you are in an area where camping is popular. But Facebook Marketplace has added a shipping feature, so really you can shop from anywhere in the country and have the products sent right to your home. Personally, I like shopping the local-only page, because then I can physically see the product before purchasing.
If you don’t find the used camping gear you were looking for on the local page, then you can open it up to +Shipping. Then, you might find the used camping gear you were looking for and just have to pay an additional fee for the shipping costs.
Facebook does use buyer protection, so you can buy products with confidence. Therefore, if the product doesn’t ever arrive, or it is broken/different than what was described you can file a claim and get your money back. This is why Facebook Marketplace is one of the best websites to buy used camping gear.

Craigslist is another great website to buy used camping gear. It is moreso a local pickup website, but some sellers are willing to ship for the right price. But it is basically a peer marketplace, and it is more prevalent to scams. Therefore, it’s not personally one of my favorite websites to buy used camping gear.
Craigslist breaks up the site into states, and then further divides the state into specific regions. Once you choose the area where you are located, then you can search tons of different categories. Or simply use the search bar and type in camping gear.
Craigslist will then show you the most relevant products and typically the items that are closest to you. If there aren’t a ton of items, then they will branch out to nearby areas and show you those products. You can usually email, text or call the seller to see if the product is still available. If it is, you can set up a time to meet up and exchange the used camping gear.
Do purchase from Craigslist with caution. I always say to try and meet up in a public setting, rather than at the person’s house. And it’s a good idea to bring a friend. Additionally, NEVER send money before physically seeing the product. If they want you to pay up-front, then chances are it’s a scam and you don’t want to be involved in that, so just move on and find different used camping gear!
Gear Trade:

Gear Trades’ biggest goal is to keep used gear out of landfills and get it in some other adventurers’ hands. Consumers have developed an easy-come, easy-go mentality. But many of the products we might not need anymore or think are useless to us shouldn’t go to the landfill. These products should just make their way into another adventure enthusiast’s hands. It will be worth so much more going into someone else’s hands versus the landfills.
So, Gear Trade created a used gear company where people can sell the products they no longer want or use. Gear Trade not only has great used camping gear options, but they have also used gear for almost every outdoor recreational activity.
Sellers can either list the item themselves or send the product to Gear Trade and Gear Trade will access the value and pay the seller when someone purchases their item.
Gear Trade has a great selection of items, making it one of the best websites to buy used camping gear. By clicking on the item you fancy, you can find out all the necessary details such as brand, model, condition, and who the item is sold by. If the seller has sold products on Gear Trade before, you can see their star rating, estimated shipping time, and return policy.
The listing will also show the original price of the product as if it were “brand new” and typically what percentage off you will be getting compared to the “new” price.
If you like the item, you can either add it to your cart and proceed to purchase or make an offer if you think it is priced too high. Gear Trade is a brilliant company that will help create less waste on this earth and help recycle used camping gear!
Out & Back:

Out & Back has a great selection of used camping gear to choose from. Their website provides the condition of the products and the necessary details. On the Out & Back website, they show the percentage off you will be getting compared to the product brand new.
I do find their website to be a bit more vague than others. But Out & Back still has a great selection of products that are lightly used or practically new camping gear.
How the website works is the sellers with the used gear take pictures and tell Out & Back the quality and as many details as they can. Out & Back will then make an instant cash offer, and if the seller agrees to the offer, they send their gear to Out & Back and voila. You now have the option to purchase the used camping gear via their website!
Outdoors Geek:

Looking for one of the best websites to buy used camping gear, or even rent it? Outdoors Geek is an awesome website that not only sells new or used camping gear. They also have rental gear.
Outdoors Geek will send their rental gear to you if you are flying somewhere and either don’t want to bring your camping gear with you or renting just might be easier. They even sell packages, so they take the hard part out of planning everything you need.
All of the gear they sell on their website is name brand, and is marked down 40-60% off MSRP. All of the gently used gear sales are final. One of the major downfalls, is the products are listed with the stock photo as if it were new. So you might not be able to determine the flaws the product has until it’s in your hands.
They do sell new gear as well. So, if you don’t find the used gear you were looking for, they might have some good brand-new options as well.
Takeaway | Best Websites To Buy Used Camping Gear
If you are willing to search for the diamonds in the rough, then you could absolutely get a whole camping set up for a fraction of the price! While our world has become obsessed with buying new for everything, camping gear just doesn’t have to be that way. Especially if you are not an avid camper. Like I mentioned above, it is literally designed to sit outside on the ground and be able to withstand the weather mother nature throws our way.
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Tuesday 27th of December 2022
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