There are a lot of factors that go into picking the best camping tent. Such as budget, weight, fabric, size, what elements you will be camping in, etc. There are TONS of different tents on the market today, but we constructed a list of the BEST camping tents for all the different categories people camp in.
Jake and I like to buy 3 person tents for the two of us so we have extra space for our packs to come inside with us. Whether it be raining, sandy or a place with creepy crawlers, we don’t have to worry about our gear because it’s in the tent with us. It’s also nice to have extra room inside in case it is raining and you need shelter to play games, eat dinner, etc.
But having extra room does have it’s downfalls, such as added weight, larger pack size, harder to retain heat, etc. Because the smaller the tent, the faster your body can warm up the area. And we like to have a tent that is more versatile, handling many different camping conditions. But you will have to decide what is most important to you for the best camping experience. We listed the best camping tents on the market for 2020.
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Best Waterproof Camping Tent:
Mutha Hubba Hubba 3
No one wants to get rained on, especially when you are trying to get a good nights sleep. While most tents now a days are waterproof or water resistant, this MSR Hubba Hubba 3 is like nothing else on the market. The MSR Hubba Hubba comes with DuraShield™ waterproof coating which lasts up to 3 times longer than standard waterproof coatings.
Making it one of the best camping tents on the market for rainy weather. There are also rain gutters built in over the door to make sure no rain pools at the door. This freestanding tent is easy to set up and provides adequate room for a party of 3.
The Hubba Hubba 3 is the most popular size, you can also size down to a Hubba Hubba 2 for 2 people or the Hubba Hubba 1. Or if you want to have a larger tent, you will want to upgrade to the Papa Hubba 4.
Size: 7′ x 5’6 x 3’8
Weight: 3 lbs 13 oz
Pros of the Hubba Hubba 3
- Lightweight
- DuraShield™ waterproof coating
- Holds up well in wind
- Easy to set up
- Built in rain gutters
Cons of the Hubba Hubba 3
- Expensive
- Footprint not included
Check Price on: Amazon.com | REI.com | MSRgear.com | Backcountry.com
Best Camping Tent For Backpacking:
Big Agnes Copper Spur UL3

Backpacking tents are all about weight. Because you will be carrying this all the way to your end destination. Although there are cheap lightweight tents, many of them aren’t high quality, and the last thing you want to have is a faulty tent after a long hike out in the backcountry. The best backpacking tent on the market is the Big Agnes Copper Spur UL3.
This freestanding tent comes with 2 poles for easy set up and new TipLop Buckles™ making it easy for a solo set up. This ultralight tents material is made from proprietary ultralight nylon double rip-stop which has extra tear strength and puncture resistance.
There is also a cool awning set up for those sunny days when you need shade. This new design allows you to use trekking poles to protect you from the elements, or can stake down the rainfly when it down pours.
Big Agnes provides a warranty for any defective products. A repair or replacement of the original product will be provided. Unless the product is no longer available, then store credit will be given of the full price of original product.
The Big Agnes Copper Spur HV UL comes in sizes 1-4. We personally think the UL3 is really only suited for 2 people (3 might be a push). So go up a size if you plan to go with the Copper Spur Backpacking Tent.
If you are traveling by bike, you can save space in your pack and attach the bikepack tent to the handle bars, panniers or saddlebags. And for those extreme ultralight backpackers, there is the platinum version weighing in at just 2lbs 6oz.
Because of the weight and different types of the Big Agnes Copper Spur tents, makes it one of the best camping tents for backpacking!
Size: 7’5″ x 5’8″ x 3’5″
Weight: 3lbs 14oz
Pros of the Big Agnes Copper Spur UL3
- Ultralight
- Roomy inside
- New ultralight nylon rip-stop fabric
- Holds up well in rain & wind
- Easy to set up
- Warranty provided against product defects
Cons of the Big Agnes Copper Spur UL3
- Expensive
- Footprint not included
Check Price on: Amazon.com | REI.com | EVO.com | Backcountry.com
Best Tent For Winter:
The North Face VE 25
Winter camping is one area you don’t want to cheap out. A lot of research and technology has been integrated into the best camping tents for winter. And The North Face has been a popular choice within mountaineering. The North Face VE 25 is the best winter camping tent on the market. This tent is designed for extreme alpine conditions.
And this tent can even be used in -60 degrees Fahrenheit without freezing to death (of course paired with a nice sleeping bag). The North Face VE 25 provides multiple venting options throughout the tent to make sure there is no condensation build up.
This tent is designed to withstand storms while keeping you cozy in bed. At the cost of comfort, this tent is a bit heavier than other tents on the market, but the price can’t be beat. If you are traveling with a partner, split the tent weight by having one carrying the tent and someone else carry the poles.
Size: 8’6″ x 7′ x 4′
Weight: 10lbs 5 oz
Pros of the The North Face VE 25
- Comes with footprint
- Can be used in extreme temperatures
- Lots of internal storage
- Holds up well in the wind
- 4-season tent
Cons of the The North Face VE 25
- Heavy
- Expensive
- Not very easy to set up
Check Price on: REI.com
Best Camping Tent On A Budget:
ALPS Mountaineering Lynx Tent

When choosing a tent on a budget, you want to find a quality tent at a reasonable price. You might find tents for “cheap” but most of them won’t last more than 1 camping trip. Therefore, the best camping tent on a budget is the ALPS Mountaineering Lynx Tent.
This tent will last you multiple camping trips, protect you from the elements, and is easy to set up. This tent comes with fiberglass shock-corded poles for a free standing design with two large doors. The ALPS Mountaineering Taurus Tent comes with a rainfly that provides two ventilation slots at the top and two vestibules over the door.
Size: 7.5′ x 5′ x 3’8
Weight: 5.75 lbs
Pros of the ALPS Mountaineering Lynx Tent
- Inexpensive
- Lifetime warranty
- Easy to set up
Cons of the ALPS Mountaineering Lynx Tent
- Footprint not included
- Some people have complained about faulty zippers
- Doesn’t hold up super well in the wind
Check Price on: Amazon.com | Walmart.com
Most Spacious Camping Tent:
ust House Party™ 4
The ust House Party™ is one of the most spacious tents on the market. This design offers so much room inside that you can sit up straight without getting a weird crick in your neck. And this specific design offers expandable walls if you drag the guy lines out to offer even more living room inside. It can easily fit 4 people comfortably.
Plus the doors open so wide, offering so much room to get in and out. Or you can have the doors wide open at the beach offering some much-needed shade. And the tent has single wall construction so you only have one thing to set up. ust also sells a 6 person tent, and a 2 person backpacking tent.
Size: 8′ 2″ x 7′ 1″ x 5’8″
Weight: 9lbs 8oz
Pros of the ust House Party™ 4
- Spacious
- Expandable walls
- Holds up well in heavy rain
- Easy to setup
Cons of the ust House Party™ 4
- Expensive
- Heavy, not great for backpacking
- Rainfly is built-in, so it isn’t removeable
Check Price on: Amazon.com | ustgear.com
Best Camping Tent For Big Groups:
Core 12 Person Cabin Tent
For large groups and families, it’s more fun to all camp together! This Core 12 Person Cabin Tent is the best group tent, you almost feel as if you are in a small house. This tent can even be separated into 3 different rooms, providing lots of privacy if need be. You can even have 3 full size air mattresses inside this tent. The set up for this tent can even be done in a total of 2 minutes.
For those warmer, non-rainy nights you can remove the rainfly to the open mesh ceiling for the ultimate star-gazing experience. Even with the rainfly on the advanced vent technology brings air up through the ground allowing heat to escape from the vents up top. And if you want to bring an electrical cord inside for charging, running fans/heaters, lights, etc, there is a special E-port.
If the 12 person cabin tent is a bit too large, you can also go with the 9-person or 6-person.
Size: 18′ x 10′ x 6’6″
Weight: 47.8lbs
Pros of the Core 12 Person Cabin Tent
- Can hold up to 12 people
- Very spacious
- Can stand up in tent up to 6’6″
Cons of the Core 12 Person Cabin Tent
- Expensive
- Doesn’t hold up well in rain & wind
- Heavy
- Footprint not included
Check Price on: Amazon.com | Walmart.com
Best Camping Tent To Block Out Light:
Coleman Sundome Dark Room Tent
If you like to party all night and sleep all morning, than the Coleman Sundome Dark Room Tent is perfect for you! Coleman designed a tent with dark room technology which blocks out 90% of sunlight, to allow you to sleep in on those bright sunny mornings. The material even reduces heat. Although if you are camping in super warm weather, you might
want to invest in a portable fan, to keep you cool during that sleep in! There is a built in E-port so you can bring a power cord inside without having to slide it in through the door. With this purchase there is a 1 year limited warranty for any defects to the tent.
Size: 9′ x 7′ x 4’11”
Weight: 17lbs
Pros of the Coleman Sundome Dark Room Tent
- Inexpensive
- Holds up well in the wind
- Blocks out 90% of sunlight
- Material reduces heat
- Easy to set up
- Good internal storage
- 1-year warranty
Cons of the Coleman Sundome Dark Room Tent
- Heavy
- Footprint not included
- Doesn’t hold up well in the rain
- Not made with high quality material
- Customers claim poles break and bend easy
- Doesn’t easily fit back in bag
Check Price on: Amazon.com | Walmart.com | REI.com
Best Hybrid Tent:
Kelty Late Start

If you want a tent that can do it all, the Kelty Late Start Tent is the best valued waterproof, 3-season, lightweight backpacking, budget friendly tent. With Kelty’s quick corner connect and pre-bent poles the Late Start tent is easy to set up and take down even for one person.
The Kelty Late Start comes in 3 different sizes: 1 person, 2 person and 4 person. It is easily one of the best value camping tents on the market today!
Size: 7′ x 4’5″ x 3’3″
Weight: 4lbs 8oz
Pros of the Kelty Late Start
- Inexpensive
- Lightweight
- Great value for features
- Easy to set up
Cons of the Kelty Late Start
- Footprint not included
- Only 1 door
Check Price on: Kelty.com | Amazon.com | REI.com | Walmart.com
Best Rooftop Tent:
Tepui Kukenam 3

The cool new modern way to camp is by rooftop tent. You no longer have to find a level/nonrocky spot for you tent, because you can just pop it up on the roof of you car. The Tepui Kuknam 3 is a popular choice for rooftop tent amongst campers. Tepui rooftop tents are made to last multiple seasons and are made of very durable material, therefore resulting in a high price tag.
The canvas material of the tent is all UV and mold resistant, and made to keep out all unwanted elements. Tepui has TKK patented zippers for easy rainfly setup. Plus the Tepui Kukenam 3 comes with universal mountain brackets that fit on most roof racks and after-market roof bars.
There is no need to blow up the air mattress for this tent set up, because the Tepui Kukenam comes with a 2 1/2″ high-density memory foam topper. You can even star gaze on those non-rainy nights. But if the rain and wind do role in, this tent is meant to hold its ground.
Size: 4’6″ x 8′ x 4’3″
Weight: 130lbs
Pros of the Tepui Kukenam 3
- Lots of internal storage
- Easy set up/take down
- Fits most roof racks
- Holds up well in wind & rain
- 4-season tent
Cons of the Tepui Kukenam 3
- Expensive
- Heavy
- Not easily adaptable, can only be used on SUV, trucks, or cars with roof racks
- Only 1 door
Check Price on: Backcountry.com
Best Camping Tent For Truck Campers:
Napier Backroadz Truck Tent

If you have a truck you often go camping with, then the Napier Backroadz Truck Tent is the perfect tent for you (refer to chart for sizing). You get to set up camp in the back of your truck up off the ground. Don’t forget to pair this tent with a Pittman Truck Bed Air Mattress (refer to chart for sizing).
This tent also comes with a huge wide open door out the back. It also is the only truck tent on the market with a floor, so you can escape the elements. If you have a toolbox or bedliner, this tent can easily accommodate you. They also have color-coded poles, to make setup even easier.
The tent is not meant to withstand driving, so the tent will need to be taken down if you plan to drive the truck at any point.
Sizes differ on the size of your truck bed.
Size: Biggest tent 8′ x 5′ x 5’1″ Smaller tent: 5′ x 5′ x 5’1″
Weight: 16lbs
Pros of the Napier Backroadz Truck Tent
- Inexpensive
- Every tent purchased, they plant a tree through Trees For The Future
- Very roomy inside
- Easy to set up
Cons of the Napier Backroadz Truck Tent
- Not, easily adaptable, can only be used on a truck bed
- Customers have complained about the poles breaking easily
- Only sleeps 2 comfortably
- You will need to take down the tent if you plan to drive the truck
Check Price on: Amazon.com | Walmart.com
Best Hammock Tent:
Hennessy Hammock Expedition Asym Zip Hammock
Ditch the tent and set up in the trees up off the ground in the Hennessy Hammock Expedition Asym Zip Hammock. This hammock set up comes with a zip on bug net, and a rainfly to keep out any unwanted visitors or elements.
Hennessy’s patented integral ridgeline makes sure your back is kept straight all night so you sleep comfortably throughout the night.
The Hennessy Hammock is popular amongst backpackers, because of its ultralight features. But you will need to pay close attention to where you are camping to make sure there are tree nearby so you can have an easy set up.
Size: 8’3″ x 4′
Weight: 2lbs 13oz
Pros of the Hennessy Hammock Expedition Asym Zip Hammock
- Ultralight
- Easy set up (if in the woods)
Cons of the Hennessy Hammock Expedition Asym Zip Hammock
- Expensive
- Only sleeps 1 person
- Can only camp near trees
- Weight limit of 250lbs
Check Price on: Amazon.com | REI.com | Walmart.com
Best Camping Tent For Glamping:
White Duck Outdoors 13′ Avalon Bell Tent

Camping isn’t for everyone, and we get that. Therefore, we found the perfect tent that will make you feel right at home. The White Duck Outdoors 13′ Avalon Bell Tent is something you thought you only saw in your dreams. This massive tepee style tent can comfortably sleep 6 with lots of spare room. You can even add a wood stove for those colder days.
This 100% cotton canvas is water repellent, mildew and UV resistant. You can even upgrade the canvas to have a fire retardant finish. This glamping tent can be decked out with all the furnishing of your home if you have a nice generator such as fridge, lights, fans, etc. There is no doubt you will be glamping in style in this 13′ Avalon Bell Tent.
The Avalon Bell Tent comes in 13′, 16’5″, and 20′.
Size: 13′ x 13′ x 8’6″
Weight: 98lbs
Pros of the White Duck Outdoors 13′ Avalon Bell Tent
- Tons of room inside, including standing room
- Can accommodate 6+ people
- The inside can accommodate a fridge, stove, lights, etc.
Cons of the White Duck Outdoors 13′ Avalon Bell Tent
- Expensive
- Hard set up
- Takes up large amount of space
- Heavy
Check Price on: Amazon.com | Campmor.com | Walmart.com
Takeaway For Best Camping Tents On The Market:
Now that you found the best camping tent on the market, be sure to pick up a warm sleeping bag and comfortable sleeping pad. There are some amazing websites where campers can find great deals.
Jake and I love camping and personally feel a tent can make or break the perfect camping trip! We’ve learned the hard way how bad gear can ruin a trip. So make sure you have the right tent for the job and you will always have a good time.
Spend less time fixing zippers and drying out wet sleeping bags and more time enjoying the great outdoors. We’ve narrowed down the search to only the best camping tents on the market.
Now it’s time to find the best campsites and go explore!
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