Finding the right portable camping shower can be a challenge when they all work and function differently. Some can provide a hot shower in just minutes while others might take half a day. But in this guide we will go over the best portable showers that will work with your vanlife or camping set up.
Hygiene is important, especially while living in a campervan or on a long camping trip. While you can often find places to shower along the road, it can sometimes be nice to have a portable shower with you in vanlife or along on a camping trip. Especially in remote areas where showers are not available.
It’s important to note, most of these outdoor portable showers won’t have an endless water supply. But there are little tips and tricks to make sure you have enough time to get the shampoo out of your hair before the water runs out.
But it’s also best to set your expectations low, as you might have to take a few cold showers from time to time.
Here we have constructed a list of the best portable showers for vanlife and camping.
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Advanced Elements Shower Bags:

This is the portable shower Jake and I personally have. It’s also one of the more budget-friendly shower options for vanlife.
The Advanced Elements Shower Bag is a 5 gallon gravity bag that is heated by the sun. We chose this shower option because it is inexpensive, portable and can get hot with no additional fuel or electricity. We loved it so much, we wrote an in-depth review about this solar shower bag.
But because it is a plastic bag, it definitely has its downfalls.
Depending on the angle of the sun and air temperature, the bag can take anywhere from an hour to heat up to half a day.
The bag can also get too hot if left in the sun for too long, but there is a temperature gauge, so pay close attention to that when the shower is ready for use.
If you need to speed up the process, you can always heat up some water on a stovetop to mix in. Also, be sure to check the water temperature with your hand first before use!
Our Personal Experience: The on/off nozzle accidentally opened while the shower was stowed away and water leaked everywhere in the van.
Take extra precaution to make sure it is securely shut if filled with water in transportation.
We since added a hard Tupperware case for the shower to sit inside, to avoid accidental leakage and reduce puncture ability.
They also sell the Advance Elements Shower Bag in 2.5 gallons, 3 gallons & 10 gallons.
Pros of the Advanced Elements Shower Bag
- Inexpensive
- Holds 5 gallons (we can each get about 3 showers each, turning it on and off often)
- Heated by the sun
- Comes with water temperature gauge
Cons of the Advanced Elements Shower Bag
- Poorly designed on/off showerhead
- Hard to turn off and on by yourself
- Not rigid, so it has the possibility to be punctured and leak
- Needs gravity for water to flow, so must find a tree or something high to hang it on
- Not pressurized, so shampoo & soap can be difficult to wash off
- Can take multiple hours to heat up
- Hard to clean & dry out
Check Price: Amazon.com | Walmart.com
Sea To Summit Pocket Shower:

This Sea To Summit Pocket Shower is one of the best portable showers. It is especially nice for long backpacking trips.
This lightweight shower can easily be packed in your hiking pack to clean up on the go. It does require gravity to flow, but it can also easily be stowed away. The best way to use it is by hanging it on a tree branch to let gravity do the work.
This portable camp shower holding tank is 2.6 gallons.
It’s great for on the go and can be used with water from a river, lake, pond, etc. But beware if there is a lot of debris, the shower head can get clogged.
The solar bag is heated by the sun and can sometimes take several hours.
Pros of the Sea To Summit Pocket Shower
- Inexpensive
- Lightweight
- Packs down to 5.5” x 3.24” x 3”
- Shower can run up to 7 minutes long
- Nylon fabric is waterproof and leakproof
- Large opening for water making it easy to clean and dry before stowing away
Cons of the Sea To Summit Pocket Shower
- Only holds 2.6 gallons
- Need gravity for water to flow, so must find a tree or something high to hang it on
- Not pressurized, so shampoo & soap can be difficult to wash off
- Can be difficult to turn on and off by yourself
- If used from a natural water source, the showerhead can get clogged
- Not rigid, so it has the possibility to be punctured and leak
- No hose, so bag needs to be within a certain height range to reach
- Can take up to multiple hours to heat
Check Price: Seatosummitusa.com | REI.com | Amazon.com
Ivation Battery Powered Portable Shower Head:

This Ivation Battery Powered Shower Head can bring your vanlife shower experience to a new level. You will need a water container in additional to this portable shower unit.
The head charges by 5V and can last up to an hour. The best part is it has a rechargeable battery system.
All you have to do is have a bucket of water to place the pump into and “Voila”! It’s best to have at least a gallon of water for the spray nozzle to work properly.
It’s one of the best portable showers if you have a bucket that you already use for something else.
The shower head comes with a suction cup support or hanger, so you can set it up like a real shower! But this shower head can pack up small and be stowed away easily between uses.
Pros of the Ivation Battery Powered Portable Shower Head
- Inexpensive
- Pressurized water
- A single charge lasts up to 60 minutes of use
- Can charge via USB
- 5 Gallons of water can last up to 10 minutes of use
- Packs down small and can be stowed away between uses
Cons of the Ivation Battery Powered Portable Shower Head
- Hard to turn on and off (Need to reach down to pump to flip switch or kink hose)
- Must purchase separate bucket/tank for water
- Only one pressure speed
Check Price: Amazon.com | Walmart.com
Nemo Helio LX Pressure Shower:

Personally, I think this Nemo Helio Pressure Shower is one of the best camp portable showers on the market today. In terms for the ease of use, affordability, and only using solar energy.
The Nemo Helio LX Pressure Shower is pressurized by your foot. It’s basically an air pump where you pump air into the tank to build up pressure. Then, you will use one of the long hoses attached and spray away with a nice pressurized spray.
One of the reasons why we think this is one of best camping showers is because it doesn’t need gravity to flow or need to be charged. It can also pack down to 6″ x 10.24″ when not in use.
Plus it is heated by the sun so no electricity is needed and very easy to use.
The holding tank holds 5.8 gallons. Plus there is a life-time warranty, so you can use as heavily as you want, as it should work great every time!
Pros of the Nemo Helio LX Pressure Shower
- Pressurized water
- Adjustable water pressure
- Easy on/off switch
- Comes with silicone sleeve that can hold the pressurized shower head for a continuous flow
- 7 ft hose included
- Large opening for water making it easy to clean and dry before stowing away
- Nemo offers a lifetime warranty on their products
Cons of the Nemo Helio LX Pressure Shower
- Bit more expensive
- Not puncture proof, so has the ability to leak
- Manual water pressure pump
- Doesn’t hold pressure very long
- Can take up to multiple hours to heat
Check Price: REI.com | Amazon.com
Rinse Kit:

Rinse Kit is one of the best pressurized portable showers that won’t leak all over your car or camper van. It comes in a hard shell case, so it can easily be jammed in your trunk for car camping.
You can throw it in your trunk and not worry about anything puncturing it and the water going everywhere. The holding tank holds 3.5 gallons of water at one time. Included in the package is a hot water sink adapter, meaning if you are near a sink or hose you can have endless pressurized water.
If you are on the go, you can also add a Hot Rod Heater which is a rechargeable battery system to heat the water before use. You simply just plug it into your cigarette lighter and the water will warm itself up!
They also have a larger model that holds 4.5 gallons of water called the Rinsekit Pro Pak.
Pros of Rinse Kit
- Battery Powered Pressurized Water
- 5 different water pressure settings: Jet, Mist, Center, Flat, Shower
- 6ft long hose
- The holding tank is insulated, so you can add hot water and it should stay warm for many hours
- Rigid: won’t puncture easily
- Pressurized shower lasts up to 5 minutes
Cons of Rinse Kit
- Bit more expensive
- Only holds 3.5 gallons
- Pressurized water runs off battery
Check Price: Rinsekit.com
Road Shower:

The Road Shower is a rigid, pressurized tube that you can add to your roof rack.
This rack-mounted shower is more of a permanent attachment, but if you only travel in one car, then that means it is always with you. So you have a portable shower station with you at all times.
The Road Shower comes with a garden hose adapter, hose with spigot, and thermostat.
The Road Shower is heated by solar and comes with a thermometer. When the Road Shower is ready for use, you can pressurize it with a bike pump.
The Road Shower comes in 3 different sizes: 4 Gallon, 7 Gallon & 10 Gallon
Similar products: Yakima Roadshower or Waterport 3.8 Gallon Self-Pressurized Water Tank
Or learn how to DIY your own!
Pros of Road Shower
- Pressurized Water
- Multiple pressure settings
- Heated by sun/doesn’t require electricity
- Can hold up to 10 gallons with the larger model
- Rigid, so can’t easily be punctured
Cons of Road Shower
- Expensive
- Can take up to multiple hours to heat up
- Every time you want to fill the tank, you have to get on top of car
- Have to manually pressurize water
Check Price: Amazon.com | Yakima.com
Mr. Heater Basecamp Battery Operated Shower System:

The Mr. Heater Basecamp Boss XB-13 Battery Operated Shower System is a great option if space isn’t an issue and you want hot water for your shower. This specific shower system doesn’t have a holding tank, it has a hose that can suck water from any holding tank (but must be purchased separately).
The Mr. Heater Shower system uses propane, so it’s best if used outdoors where it’s well ventilated. The shower system pulls in water from a holding tank, heats the water and shoots out hot pressurized water for a great shower experience on the road.
The shower is powered by 4 D-cell batteries and can last up to 40 minutes of pressurized water. Mr. Heater comes with scald protection, so the water won’t heat up too hot and potentially burn the skin.
There are two other Mr. Heater showers. The Mr. Heater Boss XW-18 Battery Operated Hot Water System can charge by AC wall charger, built-in faucet, an adjustable shower head flow and can heat the water up to 42 degrees from the original temperature. And The Mr. Heater Boss XCW-20 Hot Water System which can charge by AC & DC wall charger, built-in faucet, and can heat the water up to 42 degrees from the original temperature.
The Mr. Heater is one of the best portable showers if you want hot water and space isn’t an issue.
Pros of Mr. Heater Basecamp Battery Operated Shower System
- Hot pressurized water
- Filter system to filter out debris
- Hot water safety flow switch
- Can heat water up to 35+ degrees from starting temperature
- Pump runs up to 40 minutes
Cons of Mr. Heater Basecamp Battery Operated Shower System
- Expensive
- Bulky
- Battery operated
- Requires Proper Ventilation
- One pressure setting
- Must have propane
- Must purchase holding tank separately
- Requires D-cell batteries to power
Check Price: Amazon.com | Walmart.com
Camplux Outdoor Portable Propane Tankless Water Heater:

The Camplux Outdoor Portable Propane Tankless Water Heater Shower set up is the deluxe version of any vanlife shower. But you will need pressurized water and a propane tank to run this shower heater effectively.
This will be one of your closest portable shower options to a “home” shower. This heater runs off 2 D batteries (not included).
This shower isn’t the easiest portable showers because you need a source of pressurized water. But if you often have access to hoses or have a way to power a 12 V pump (such as you van sink plumbing), this can be taken anywhere along your journey!
Pros of Camplux Outdoor Portable Propane Tankless Water Heater
- Hot pressurized water
- Multiple Pressure Settings
- Heats water in seconds
- Can change the temperature of the water
Cons of Camplux Outdoor Portable Propane Tankless Water Heater
- Expensive
- Needs to be connected to pressurized water (either a 12V pump or hose)
- You need to hook up to propane
- Must purchase water holding tank separate
- Requires proper ventilation
Check Price: Amazon.com | Walmart.com | Homedepot.com
The Geyser System

A new product on the block is The Geyser System. It’s a compact shower station that uses less than 1 gallon of water.
The Geyser Systems main objective is to use less water for everyday tasks where we use water.
The shower generally lasts for around 8 minutes.
How it works, is the long 16ft hose pushes out water through the attached sponge. Three different sponges come with each purchase, so you can interchange the sponge between each use. For example, one for you, one for your spouse and another for the dishes. They also provide replacement sponges.
The water can be heated by plugging in to any 12DC socket, a portable power station or generator.
The product comes with a 30-day money back guarantee and a lifetime warranty.
Pros of the Geyser System
- Hot water shower
- Compact
- Hot water safety turn off
- 16 ft long hose
- Rigid: won’t puncture easily
Cons of the Geyser System
- Expensive
- Needs to be plugged in or add boiling water
- Only holds 1 gallon of water
- Can only use with sponge, can’t have normal shower water flow
Check Price: Amazon.com | REI.com

Having good personal hygiene is important and can easily be done with one of these portable showers. The options range from very inexpensive solar shower bags to more complex water heaters.
It just depends on your budget and shower preference.
Keep in mind that showering outdoors is usually only tolerable when the temperature is above 65ºF (18C). So in the warm summer months, many people can just get away with dipping in a lake and showering once a week, while others like to shower much more often.
Ultimately, these portable showers can be the perfect solution for long camping trips, music festivals, washing off the sand after a beach day, etc.
We hope you find the perfect portable showers option for vanlife that best suites your needs!

For additional ways to find showers on the road & female hygiene, check out are posts:
How To Find Showers On The Road
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