Having quality gear for any outdoor adventure is basically a necessity. And getting it at a discounted price makes it even sweeter! Because essentially that means you have more money to spend on other quality outdoor gear. In this guide we will show you all the best websites to buy discounted outdoor gear.
A good rule of thumb is to always check for deals and coupons before buying any items. Whether it be on an online store or at a physical brick & mortar store. With today’s technology, you can find great deals on almost any new gear.
A lot of times, companies sell last years gear at a discounted price because they want people to buy the “newest” version which isn’t much different from previous models. But the quality between the products remains the same.
The best thing to do is find the product you are searching for and research reviews from other sites. If the product has good reviews, then you just scored and got the product cheaper than the others! So we have made a list of company’s we think sell “quality” gear at a discounted rate!
This post may contain affiliate links. Disclosure policy.
REI Outlet:

The REI Outlet (aka REI Garage Sale) is one of my favorite stores for finding discounted outdoor gear. This is a great example of a store getting rid of last years model. There is probably a newer version of the product they are selling, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the product isn’t quality.
Their website makes it easy as they break it down into categories of gear they are selling. You can usually see the listed full price and the price they are charging. Which can sometimes be up to 70-90% off!
REI is a trusted outdoor retailer, so they wouldn’t sell products they didn’t believe in. You can usually find discounted outdoor gear at a decent price!
If you are an REI co-op member, then you can unlock additional discounts and a generous return policy. They offer satisfaction guarantee to all their customers. But if you are a member you get extended return policies.
We’ve just always had great customer service with any high quality product we’ve ever purchased with REI.
Shop new arrivals at REI Outlet.
REI Used Gear:

REI Used Gear is an add on to REI Outlet to find even better deals. It’s a program for re-selling used gear for steep discounts. They inspect lightly used returns and offer them to you at a deeply discounted price. Help yourself avoid some of that extreme retail markup and get “like new” gear and clothes from quality brands. It’s the perfect place to find discounted outdoor gear at a fraction of the price.

Evo has so many steals on name brand clothing, it is crazy! You can also get some great bundles for a steal.
During the holidays, they have even bigger deals on select items and free shipping! They also have free shipping on orders over $50 all other times of the year. Another huge perk is Evo offers “lowest price guarantee” meaning if you find the product on a different website with a lower price, they will match it with an additional 5% off.
Which makes it an absolute steal for finding discounted outdoor gear at the lowest price possible!
Evo is the best online retailer to find mountain bikes and skiing/snowboarding equipment for great prices.
Shop Discounted Outdoor Gear on Evo
Amazon sells almost everything you could ever want! And even when things aren’t on sale, they always have competitive prices. The only thing they might lack is specific brands. But Amazon is always my go to if I am looking for good deals and don’t necessarily care about the brand.
Amazon is usually pretty good at getting reviews from customers, so be sure to check out what others are saying about the product!
Patagonia Worn Wear:

Patagonia Worn Wear program is ran by Patagonia and is all about getting the most life out of outdoor clothing and gear. Rather than putting old things into the landfill, Patagonia is encouraging people to repair and up-cycle their old clothes to give them a second life.
You can even mail in or drop off an old piece of gear for store credit. Or check their event schedule for any Worn Wear events nearby.
The Clymb:
The Clymb offers great prices on popular brands for outdoor adventures. The downfall to The Clymb is that you need to sign up with your email in order to see the prices. But it will be worth it for a good deal! They also sell discounted trips on their site, so it might be a good idea to keep your eye on those if you like to travel!
Facebook Marketplace
Facebook Marketplace is not your traditional retail website. It’s a peer-to-peer marketplace where you can often find good clothing and equipment at a huge discount. But you obviously have to be cautious when buying from strangers, because there is no warranty or returns.
Try to find out the exact brand/model of a listed item and then look up reviews before purchasing.
The best part about Facebook Marketplace, is you can usually haggle the price down to get the best prices.
You can also consider joining a Facebook groups in the outdoor industry that might offer a gear swap.
Craigslist is the old school way of finding used gear for sale, but it can still be effective today. If you are unfamiliar with craigslist, it’s a webpage that peers can sell their used gear. They list an item in the proper catergory, then list a price and general location. Buyers then can search near their home or up to a certain radius near them.
Once you find the discounted outdoor gear you want to purchase, you contact the seller by phone or email and set up a meeting point.
Do use extreme caution when meeting up with a stranger. It is always a good idea to meet up during the middle of the day with daylight and in a public place.
Sierra Trading Post:

Sierra Trading Post is basically the online store version of TJ Maxx for discounted outdoor gear! You can basically find anything you want on this site. My suggestion for this website would be to check out the reviews and make sure others think it is a quality product too! You can also go directly to the brands website and find the specs on the product and reviews.
Sierra Trading Post also has free shipping on orders over $89.
Outdoor Gear Exchange
Outdoor Gear Exchange offers some great deals on outdoor gear. Their company offers anything from camping, skiing, climbing, hiking, clothing, etc. If you happen to be in Burlington, VT, they actually have a brick & mortar store. But if you are out of state, they have a great online shop.
The North Face Renewed
If you are a big fan of The North Face, then this is the retail store for you. The North Face Renewed goes through an extensive renewal process. They go through an 8 step process and have 6 quality checks before a product goes up online.
Out & Back:

Out & Back has a great selection of discounted outdoor gear. Their website provides the condition of the products and the necessary details. On the Out & Back website, they show the percentage off you will be getting compared to the product brand new.
I do find their website to be a bit more vague than others. But Out & Back still has a great selection of products that are lightly used or practically new products.
Outdoors Geek:

Outdoors Geek is an awesome website that not only sells new or used gear. They also have rental gear which can be a great option for an outdoor enthusiast looking for high-quality gear.
Outdoors Geek will send their rental gear to you if you are flying somewhere and either don’t want to bring your camping gear with you or renting just might be easier.
All of the gear they sell on their website is name brand, and is marked down 40-60% off MSRP. All of the gently used gear sales are final. One of the major downfalls, is the products are listed with the stock photo as if it were new. So you might not be able to determine the flaws the product has until it’s in your hands.
Gear Trade:

Gear Trades’ biggest goal is to keep used gear out of landfills and get it in some other adventurers’ hands. Consumers have developed an easy-come, easy-go mentality. But many of the products we might not need anymore or think are useless to us shouldn’t go to the landfill. These products should just make their way into another adventure enthusiast’s hands. It will be worth so much more going into someone else’s hands versus the landfills.
Moosejaw is one of the best places to find outdoor equipment. They sell major brands at a discounted price. They sell tons of ourdoor brands that can suite your adventure in hiking, biking, climbing, camping, skiing, and snowboarding. They also offer a great sale selection on their webpage.
Plus Moosejaw has 12 retail locations, making it convenient if you want to physically shop in-store, or return/exchange anything.
The House
The House specializes in every rad outdoor sport. Whether it be skiing, snowboarding, mountain biking, waterskiing, wakeboarding, etc. It’s a great way to find the best deals on previous seasons brands. Like up to up to 80% off good deals!
The House does carry in-season products, but you won’t find those massive price markdowns.

CampSaver is another website that well, helps you save money on camping gear, like it says in the name. Their website prides itself on only choosing high-quality camping gear they use themselves and providing items up to 87% off.
Additionally, they also have an outlet store and a shed. The outlet store has discounted items even more heavily discounted. And the shed has items where either their box was already opened, demo products, or a vendor sample. But all the products are as good as new.

Ebay has been around for many years and can be a solid place to buy discounted outdoor gear. Once you find your desired item, the seller either has an auction or buy it now option for the product.
If it is an auction, you basically put the lowest price you are willing to pay and then other people interested can bid a dollar amount above that. Sometimes there are no other bidders and you can walk away with an awesome deal on select items. Then, the seller sends the item to you and you are ready to have an awesome adventure!
Walmart can actually be a great place to find the lowest prices on outdoor gear. Their brand for gear is known as Ozark Trail. But they also carry some other brands as well. Jake and I have personally used many Ozark Trail items that have served to be decent quality.
Shop Deep Discounts at Walmart
Outdoor Play
Outdoor Play is one of the best outdoor gear sites for finding rafting gear. They sell anything from kayaks, stand up paddle boards (SUPs), rafting boats, etc. Plus they also have a variety of outdoor items such as camping gear camping, hiking, snow and climbing gear.
They also offer 100% satisfaction guarantee and price match, which can be a huge added bonus to shopping here.
Check in the local newspaper
Another old school way to find discounted outdoor gear is to look in the good ol’ fashioned newspaper. There is usually a spot where people are selling items. It will list the item, the price, short description, and contact information. The seller usually has to pay a price to list their ad in the newspaper, so it will probably be gear that is worth more value.
You don’t have to wait for the physical copy, many newpapers now have an online edition. So type in your local newspaper and look for the classifieds.
Tips for Online Shopping to find Discounted Outdoor Gear
I have one last piece of advice for finding discounted outdoor gear. Always have a browser extensive running before you check out. It can save you even more money, or earn you points to get gift cards or cash back. And ultimately this can help you be able to buy even more quality gear for many more outdoor adventures.
Active Junky –
Active Junky is a browser extension that is exclusively for all the outdoor brands you might be purchasing from. Each brand has a % back you can receive on each purchase. If the purchase is approved, you will receive that amount in your Active Junky Account.
Every 90 days, they pay you back the money you earned from your cash back rewards. It’s seriously as easy as that, you basically don’t have to do much more than click accept the cash back reward and boom you have more money in your account!
Rakuten –
Rakuten essentially works the same way. Add the browser extension to your desired web page and it automatically does the work for you. If the brand offers a cash back reward, then you will receive the money into your account. Every 3 months they will either send you a physical check or send you the amount you earned via paypal. It’s essentially a win-win!
Honey –
Honey is actually my favorite browser extension. It not only does the cash back rewards, but it will also help give you coupon codes to get the best deal on that day. So instead of having to wait for your savings to be returned, it will provide a coupon code to save the money right on the spot. I’ve already saved hundreds of dollars while making purchases with Honey.
Capital One Shopping –
The Capital One Shopping browser extension is another reward program I use often. Again, it just runs in the background and when you are ready to make a purchase, a pop up window will appear and it will help you either find coupon codes, or offer a cash back reward on qualifying purchases.
It will also help find websites that might have a better deal than what you were originally going to purchase from. So it’s a no brainier to add this browser extension to your default browser window.
Sign up for Capital One Shopping
Honestly, I have all of these browser extensions uploaded on my default browsing window. It helps me find the best deals and saves me tons of money on my purchases. Like mentioned above, I’ve saved hundreds, if not thousands of dollars by using these browser extensions to find great deals!
Something that has a high price tag can be slashed in half by having one of these browser extensions.
Takeaway | Best Websites To Buy Discounted Outdoor Gear
I’m always down for a good discount on quality gear! It always feels good to save money, especially if it is a great product. These websites are awesome, and can be super handy if you need a bunch of gear quick or even if you are slowly adding gear to your collection. No one wants to buy cheap/ non-quality gear, so these websites can be the answer to finding discounted outdoor gear.
Also, be sure to keep your eye out on Black Friday or Cyber Monday, as many of these companies offer killer deals.
If you are looking for inexpensive camping gear check out our article: Camping Gear Under $20
What’s your favorite website to buy discounted outdoor gear?

Tuesday 12th of May 2020
This is super helpful! I've never heard of Evo before. I've also started using switchbackr.com for great used gear. Cheers!
Chapman Grubb
Friday 8th of May 2020
If you're looking to update this list! I have been working on a new project! www.reroutedcoop.com. We are helping people to buy, sell and donate used outdoor gear - all while giving as much as we can back to wilderness access and education.
Please feel free to reach out chapgrubb@reroutedcoop.com.
Emily Schroeter
Friday 8th of May 2020
Thanks, we will look into your business! Always trying to help people get outdoor gear for a fraction of the price!