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Best Games For Vanlife & RV’ers

Everyone loves playing games. It’s a fun way to kill time and break the ice when meeting new friends.

But living in a van makes storing games a challenge. You simply don’t have space for a whole closet of board games. So travel-sized games need to be fun, but also portable.

Here is a list of the best travel games for vanlife.

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A classic on the list of best games for vanlife and RVers is Cards. This one should be obvious! Cards are small and there are so many different games you can play with cards. They are small and won’t take up much additional space in the van/RV. Some of our favorite card games are rummy, kemps, war, & slap jack.

If you don’t already own a deck of card, we highly suggest getting waterproof cards for any accidents!


Set of 10 Six Sided D6 16mm Standard Dice Die - White with Black Pips

Dice take up very little room, and can easily be stowed away. Plus, there are multiple games you can play with dice such as Farkle, Yahtzee, etc. All you have to do is just look up the score board online and just make-shift your own with pen and paper!

Catan (Traveler’s Edition)

A new favorite game of our’s is Settlers of Catan. It’s a game of harvesting and trading resources to build settlements and cities.

There is a bit of a learning curve for this game, but if you take the time to read the directions, you’ll be ready in no time! And it’s worth it to have a portable game that still has a good level of complexity. It’s a super fun board game to play with 2 to 4 players.

Whenever we are bored we pull out this game and battle to the bitter end! The travelers edition has a two person player version, so it’s great for Jake and I. But it also allows us to play with other travelers on the road! Therefore, this makes it high on our list of the best games for vanlife and RV’ers.

There is also a dice version of Catan for the easiest transportation.

Kan Jam

Kan Jam is our personal favorite game for vanlife because it strikes a perfect balance.  It’s easy to learn, can be played with a drink in hand, and people of all skill levels can enjoy competitive matches. It’s inexpensive, transportable, and pretty indestructible. It is super easy to store in a van or RV because it can be disassembled to lay flat. This is the best travel game for vanlife in our opinion!



Bananagrams is a fun game that everyone can play. But there is definitely an advantage if you have a large vocabulary stored up in your noggin! You play the game by creating words in a crossword til all the letters are gone! It’s definitely a fast paced game, and can be played with 2 or more players.

Aerobie Superdisc

 Aerobie Superdisc

Tossing a frisbee is always a fun, free-flowing activity.  And we fell in love with this Aerobie Superdisc. It’s special design turns amateurs into pros.  The rubber outer ring makes catching soft and easy, and the spoiler ring helps stabilize even bad throws. It’s also a great way to get outside and get some exercise. Just be careful to not let it get warped or bent in storage.

Bocce Ball

 GoSports 90 mm Backyard Bocce Set with 8 Balls, Pallino, Case and Measuring Rope - Made from Premium Resin

A close second for the best games for vanlife and RVers is Bocce Ball! This classic gentleman’s game can be adapted into a great camping game. This isn’t the smallest game to store in your van, but with this Bocce Ball Travelers Edition, it’s compact and only takes up a small amount of space. It requires a minimal amount of energy, and has a pace and style similar to golf. 

It’s fun to play on unpredictable surfaces, but just watch out for rocks because they can damage the Bocce balls. This game is also great because it can be played in the wind.

Monopoly Go, Pause & Play

 Hasbro Gaming Monopoly Grab and Go Game

The most competitive game, can now come with you on the road. This travel-size Monopoly is perfect for on the go. There are even clip-on pieces for the houses and hotels, so if you need to pause the game and pick up at a later time, you won’t need to start from ground zero.

There is also Monopoly Deal, which is an even quicker game. And personally, we find it more fun!


Uno is a classic game that almost everyone knows how to play. And if they don’t it’s easy to teach. It’s about the same size as a deck of cards and always a fun game to play with others.  

Phase 10

 Phase 10 card game

A personal favorite game that doesn’t take up much space in the van is Phase 10. There are 10 phases is this game, and each player must go through each phase before moving onto the next. Resulting in some people to be phases ahead of others. The phases get harder as you climb up. It’s basically a game of luck that you pick up the right cards!

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